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作者:[罗店镇] 阅读数: 日期:[2015/6/30]

约定会面Arrange for an appointment
What do you think?你觉得呢?
What do you say five o'clock?你觉得五点如何?
When can we meet to talk? 什么时候我们能见面谈谈?
When is it convenient for you?您何时方便呢?
What time would be convenient for both of you?们两个人什么时候方便呢?

How about the day after tomorrow at five o'clock p.m.?后天下午五点如何?
How about tomorrow night at seven o'clock? Is it OK with you?明天晚上七点如何?你可以吗?
How about four o'clock in my office?四点在我的办公室如何?
How about next Monday or the day after tomorrow?下星期一或是后天如何?
Are you free next Tuesday at two o'clock p.m.?下个星期二下午两点您有空吗?
Could we make a tentative appointment for Friday?我们能暂时先约在星期五吗?
Let's tentatively say next Wednesday at four o'clock p.m..我们暂时约定下星期三下午四点。

How about ten a.m. in my office? I will arrange this meeting.早上十点在我办公室如何?我会安排这次会议。
Are you free right now? I really need to talk about it with you.你现在有空吗?我真的必须和你讨论一下。

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